About Bruce

Posts by Bruce:

Printavo’s Pricing Matris & API Is Here

It’s an exciting day because we just pushed live a few new updates to Printavo:

  1. You can now assign tasks to users
  2. Screen printing pricing matrix.  Under My Account > Pricing Matrix, you can edit & customize your matrix.  By default we’ve loaded Sanmar’s updated individual, dozen & case pricing.  You can import your own full catalog now here.
  3. We now are a Zapier.com partner.  To get invited to our Zapier app, click here.  Zapier is an app that lets you automate inputting and getting data from Printavo to other apps on the web.  Ex. “automatically export all customers to Mailchimp”, “add orders to my Google Calendar” and more.
  4. We have an API that you can use to build custom functionality on top of Printavo.  For the developers out there, here’s our documentation.  Your API key is in My Account.

Hopefully, everyone is having a great New Year thus far. View past Printavo updates and a product video demo.

New Feature: Email Message Shortcodes

Use these shortcodes in your email message to pull in dynamic content from your invoice.  Here are the shortcodes we provide:


Gets replaced with “Invoice #123” or “Quote #123” depending on the invoice status


Gets replaced with the customer’s first & last name


Gets replaced with the customer’s first name


More Additions

Along with hiring a few more folks to our staff, you can now:

– Print Packing Slips.  This is essentially a view of your work order without production notes, attachments or terms & conditions

– Payment Confirmation Emails.   On a successful payment using one of our payment processor options (Stripe, Authorize.Net or Paypal) you will receive an email from Printavo

As usual, big plans coming up with our new staff on board, stay tuned.

New Features for Printavo

It’s been a while since we updated the blog but here are a few new features that have been released over the past few months:

Shipping Label Integration.  You can now easily create shipping labels for orders using FedEx, USPS, DHL or Canada Post.

Better User Permissions.  Allow more customization for each user on your account. Remember, unlimited users for each account and everyone can be logged in at the same time.

Invoice History.  View everything that has changed with an invoice including status changes, emails sent to customers, payments collected and more.

– Accept Payments via Stripe.  You can now accept payments via Stripe.  We added them because they have great analytics to view your income even clearer.

Brand New Features!

Our new homepage.

Our new homepage.

Full Announcements & Updates:

  • You can now customize your line items.  This means you can set the columns you’d like to have on your line items.  Set these preferences here
  • Each shop gets a Google SEO optimized website for local search.  You’ll want to setup your shop’s information for that here as well.  This public website allows potential customers to send you an Inquiry which gets stored in the Inquiry section of your Printavo account.
  • Our Global Products has been replaced by Broder Bros, we’re adding San Mar soon.
  • You can set an action to happen when a specific Invoice Status is changed here now.

More Updates:

  • Search works in Safari
  • Filter all your invoices by Paid, Unpaid or Invoice Status


Add tasks with due dates for your shop to complete.

Add tasks with due dates for your shop to complete.

View what's being created and edited on your account by employees.

View what’s being created and edited on your account by employees.

View analytics on your business.

View analytics on your business.

Our brand new calendar makes it easy to change Invoice Statuses and due dates.

Our brand new calendar makes it easy to change Invoice Statuses and due dates.

Each shop gets a website that is Local Google SEO optimized to help boost your sales.

Each shop gets a website that is Local Google SEO optimized to help boost your sales.

Receive Inquiries from the contact form on your Printavo website or from a contact form you can place on your own website.

Receive Inquiries from the contact form on your Printavo website or from a contact form you can place on your own website.


Printavo is mobile and tablet friendly!

Printavo is mobile and tablet friendly!

Share invoices with your customers / employees quickly using a secure link.

Share invoices with your customers / employees quickly using a secure link.


New Printavo Features & Video Walkthrough

Hey Everyone!

Hope you’re having a great start to the week.  I wanted to let you know about new updates on Printavo:

  1. You can drag and drop orders on the calendar to change the due date quickly.
  2. You can change the order of line items on an invoice by dragging them up or down.
  3. You can add tasks to invoices and due dates for each task for your team.
  4. Printavo is 3x faster now!


Also, brand new video feature walkthrough! Watch it.

Start Invoice #’s Wherever You’d Like

You suggest features and we listen!  You can now set the Invoice # you’d like to start on and also edit a current Invoice # on that specific invoice.   To edit the start number, head over to My Settings and look for Invoice Seed option towards the middle.

Printavo has been full upgraded once again! (Many New Features)


Printavo has been an incredible journey. We started a few years ago with a vision to the best, simplest tool to manage your screen-printing shop. Now not only do screen-printers use our software, but so do embroiders and sign manufacturers. I’m constantly humbled but how many shops truly find Printavo useful and continue to not only use it but recommend it.

After much feedback, we have made a large update to Printavo that helps it become an even better tool for your shop.

  1. You can use Authorize.Net to accept payments as well as PayPal
  2. Download all Printavo to QuickBooks automatically every night (QuickBooks Online and PC-based QuickBooks supported)
  3. Global list of 70,000 products from ShirtSpace to use to create quotes and invoices quickly
  4. Create tasks on invoices that have due dates or just for the shop in general to help with project management


We’ve also made many tweaks to the system that shop owners have requested over the last few weeks. Some of which are:

  1. Taxable/Untaxable line items
  2. Add dates to transactions
  3. Shipping & Billing address for customers
  4. All transactions for a specific invoice are shown on that invoice
  5. Even faster system


Check it all out!